The Linen Suit

One of my go to pieces this summer has been this Olive Linen Suit I bought from Suit Supply . I can say I have had a hard time embracing linen through out my years. I admit I like my fit to be structured. It was a big transition. A few questions started to arise. Do I embrace the wrinkle? Wasn’t sure if i liked it or really hated it. Maybe because I had a pair from Banana Republic which were wide at the bottom and incredibly loose. It was a lot of pondering. I decided to go for it & try something new. Step out of the box. I also am secretly trying to master how to be better dressed in the warmer months. It’s been something I have yet been able to get quite right. I have learned this summer to embrace the wrinkles. It’s so comfortable and easy to walk in these New York City streets. I had some help with some of the photography had my friend Mr. Paul Quinones in the first few photos. Here’s a few ways of how I wore this suit and broke it apart. 

Don’t be shy try different colors & fabrics on your complexion

Suited up yet on a casual note.

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